Saturday, August 4, 2012

Ongoing Volunteer Needs

There are many ways parents can volunteer at Clark Middle School. If you would like to help out and get involved you can check out the options below or simply click here to fill out a CMS online volunteer form.

Math & Reading Support
Needed: Parents with basic math and reading skills to work with students to assist with fundamentals, study games, etc.
Requesting: 1-2 hours of volunteer time
Location: CMS - on site
Reading Contact: Susan Gash at
Math Contact: Ann Decker at
Times: 1:00-2:00pm & 2:00-3:00pm. However, hours are flexible to fit your schedule.

Needed: Parents to volunteer with planning and activities leading up to the event
Requesting: 1-2 hours of volunteer time
Location: CMS - on site
Contact: Susan Gash at
Times: Coordinate with teacher

Choir Events
Needed: Parents to volunteer to assist at choir events
Requesting: 1-2 hours of volunteer time
Location: CMS - on site
Contact: Pam McGuire at
Times: Coordinate hours with Ms. McGuire

Youth Friends
Needed: Parents to volunteer as mentors to students during school hours
Requesting: 2 or more hours, as your schedule permits
Location: CMS - on site
Contact: Chellie Bonebrake at
Times: Coordinate hours with Ms. Bonebrake


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